
In their own words…

“I first went to see Anthony when I was about 5 months pregnant. I was hobbling like an old woman and in a lot of pain. I left walking with confidence, feeling taller and virtually pain free. Regular sessions throughout the rest of my pregnancy helped me stay active, keep on top of back pain and contributed to me having the natural birth I had hoped for. The lessons are unintrusive but very effective. It is not a quick fix but a long term solution. I highly recommend Anthony and the Technique.” Carina H


“Anthony is a gifted and inspirational teacher and presenter. I send my patients to him with total confidence.”
Dr Brian Kaplan, Harley Street Physician, UK


“I suffered through twenty years of back pain from poor posture and, worse, from false posture “correction” in years of dance, modeling, and yoga training.  I had nonstop pain in the sacral area, which no amount of chiropractics, osteo treatments, or massage could help.  I was relieved of virtually all lower back pain and learned to sit comfortably and properly in approximately ten sessions of the Alexander technique with Anthony Kingsley.  I highly recommend it for chronic back or neck pain sufferers, or simply for people who want to learn how to feel more mentally relaxed and at ease in their bodies.”
Karen Essex


“I began lessons with Anthony 25 years ago. Stress from a variety of sources was giving rise to panic attacks and I couldn’t relax. I read about AT and , as an important career interview was coming up, felt I must get some help. I had no idea what to expect but to my relief found the one- to-one session was free of strenuous activity or embarrassing moments! What took some getting used to was the idea that I must do nothing but leave all the work to Anthony.

The first half of the lesson usually takes place in front of a mirror in which you can monitor your patterns of tension as they occur in simple everyday movements like sitting and standing. During these acts, Anthony guided me with gentle hands and helped me unravel some of the chronic tensions in my neck and trunk. In the second half of the lesson you are coaxed into a lovely sense of harmony while lying on the couch again doing nothing but just letting Anthony arrange you. It is difficult to describe the lesson but it is definitely not meditation, manipulation or mystique but something which seeks to unlock all those unconscious tensions which we hold in our bodies and minds. I will never forget walking back to the tube after the first lesson. I felt as free and light as a bird! And I have the same experience after each session.

Anthony is a highly skilled and excellent teacher, who has trained other AT teachers over many years. I have recommended him to many people with various problems. Neither can I recommend the Technique highly enough. It certainly worked for me by eliminating my panic attacks and de-stressing me.( yes I got through the interview successfully!) And it helps with every other physical thing you do; gym,sport,walking etc. I’m 65 now but wish I had started it in my 20’s! The Technique is to me the best way of helping us to cope with our demanding lives by enabling us to free ourselves from unnecessary tensions we hold in our bodies. To float through life in other words.”
Angela Turner


“At my first lesson with Anthony, I got a glimpse of how free my body had felt when I was a child. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. Progress was gradual. But with each lesson, another layer of habit and tension was released. I wouldn’t call this a therapy. It’s an education. You don’t just lie there and have Anthony sort your body out for you. You have to put work in to get the most out of the sessions. It’s like learning a language. After about 20 lessons I had enough to manage without such frequent visits. Now I just go back for a top-up class every year or two. A worthwhile investment.”
Neil Sharp


“I first came to the Alexander technique at drama school 30 years ago then lost touch with it. I discovered Anthony’s classes around 10 years ago and have continued ever since. The Alexander Technique has changed my life for the better. Physically I have less stress and tension in my posture, and my shape has changed beyond recognition, my round shoulders are a thing of the past. My back is stronger and supports me, and my energy levels have increased through better use of movement, mentally, as my back became stronger so did I.

As I am more physically relaxed there is an economy of movement, and the positivity this creates permeates not only through the body but the brain as well. It is a great asset to be able to use your body as an instrument that moves to your tune.

Anthony is an excellent teacher, whom I would unreservedly recommend to anyone contemplating trying the Alexander Technique for the first time, or rediscovering it after a break.”
Ruth Sheen

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” I highly recommend the Alexander Technique for chronic back or neck pain sufferers, or simply for people who want to learn how to feel more mentally relaxed and at ease in their bodies. ”


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