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Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique STAT
The site for the major professional body of the Alexander Technique in the United Kingdom.
Alexander Technique International
A global membership site.
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
A North American site which is packed with loads of information.
Mornum Time Press
This site offers a good selection of Alexander books.
Stanley Keleman’s site on Fomative Psychology; a psychotherapy based on somatic emotional education.
From Stress to Freedom
A DVD by Anthony Kingsley on the Alexander Technique, available on The Alexander Studio website and Amazon.co.uk.
A Review on ‘From Stress to Freedom’ reads:
“Suffering from back pain I went to my GP who advised me to consider the Alexander Technique to improve my posture. I decided to obtain this video in order to gain an insight as to what it was all about. The program is very carefull not to show any actual techniques, but rather explains what the Alexander Technique seeks to achieve and how it goes about it. Having seen the video I took it at once to my local surgery so that it is available for loan to other sufferers. I have since joined an Alexander class and it DOES work!”
Another Reviewer, Mrs J A Williams (Biggar, South Lanarkshire United Kingdom) says:
“I found this DVD a very useful introduction to Alexander Technique. It has certainly encouraged me to learn more about the topic. It is definitely only an introduction but would be useful for anyone to at least try at the difference the method can make instantly. I have not had a headache since watching it which is pretty miraculous!”
Alexander Links:
The Sydney Alexander School
Alexander teacher training in Sydney, Australia.
Grant Ragsdale
Teacher in West Yorkshire, UK.
Related Links:
The Alternative Health and Healing Guide
Health Directory.